Wednesday, May 31, 2006


"Mrs Minks. This is Wandsworth Police Station. Is everything ok?"
"Hello. Yes" oh shit. I've just spoken to husband. What has he done now? What have I done?
"Is everything ok there?"
"Yes. Everything is fine" There's an escaped convict on the loose and he's stood outside my door with an axe.
"We've just received a 999 call from this number"
"Oh, I'm so sorry. That would be my son, Ezra. He's two." He may not live to be three.


"Ezra, you mustn't play with the big phone. That phonecall was from the police. You called them by accident. The policelady said if you play with the phone again, she will come and put you in prison"
"In a nee naw police car?"
"Yes. And take you to prison and lock you up without any bouncy castle or football or chocolate."
"I go ring policeman"


Anonymous said...

Ha ha. I can't wait. Perhaps that's why we use 911 over here.

Anonymous said...

LOL - genius. I wandered off from Mum while on a shopping trip when I was very young. The police went round looking for me. When I was found I had a long and angry lecture about how bad I'd been and how the police were tearing up Chatham on the hunt for me. I still get nervous when I see a police car