Monday, June 05, 2006


Ezra is currently hurling Mr. Potato Head at his bedroom door in protest. Bedtimes are rubbish, apparently.
Anyway, the lads are munching away at apace and the feeder in me is delighted by this. Everytime Ezra tries a new food a little chip of anxiety falls away. I can feel the knots in my shoulders releasing. Could this be the end of his extreme faddiness?
Tonight he ate spaghetti and grated cheese. I could've cried- especially when he ate some of our spaghetti which was delicately enveloped in a lemon chilli garlic and olive oil dressing (anchovy paste in the sauce- it beefs it up a treat.) And not just cheese but grated cheese.
As I sit here supping a glass of wine (yes, I know I'm still breastfeeding, but Seth can have a bottle at 11. OK?) I keep thinking- this is madness. Its only pasta and cheese, and yet a whole world of consumption is opening up for us. I may've mentioned once or twice that I quite like to eat. I have trained husband to to also adore food, (you eat this or you go hungry) and we love to cook and eat out even more. Poor man is now slightly overweight as a result, but now we're the same. HA!
Being able to take the lads out to a restaurant and not have to worry about what they will eat (if anything at all) would be wonderful.
All we have to do now is learn from our mistakes and make sure Seth eats well from the start (I am taking liberties here) and do some serious table manners practice.
I hope that the one of the many things we can bestow our children is a love of food (no not obesity). If nothing else their girl/boyfriends will be chuffed that they can whip up a yorkshire pud and a good lemon and garlic pasta sauce.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darn you woman I have just drooled over my keyboard. I had toast for dinner tonight :-(

Tell Ez I'll have his leftovers