Sunday, May 07, 2006


Ezra has officially been ill with one form of cold or another for a year. The most recent chest/throat/tonsil viral infection has resulted in several nights of constant awakening. "Muuuuuuuuumeeeeee. Hot. Water. Hot. Muuuuuumeeeeee"
Ezra likes to sneeze on Seth and so he too snuffles along at the same time.
I write about this now as they are both feeling slightly better. Last night they both slept well. However, I am so used to waking every hour with one or the other that after 2 hours sleep I awoke bright as a button and feeling like I'd had my nights quota.
It was 12.15am.
Its amazing how your body adapts to sleep deprivation, though I have been assisted by my husbands unemployment. (redundancy- long story). I do the night shift, he does the mornings- so for the past 3 weeks or so I've been start stop sleeping in half hour-ish chunks until 6am, then having a blissful hour or two uninterrupted.
You may think that this entry is preoccupied by sleep discussion, and that's true- but it is impossible to think of anything else when you are this tired.
However, I will update you on the anxiety-ometer. I have returned to normal levels and look back on the previous few weeks with awe. I really wasn't feeling very well at all.
When I am less sleepy (in about 10-15 years) I might be able to describe just how unwell.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy can I relate to this...

Glowstars said...

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better about things now and that you're also starting to get some more sleep - it's probably helping.

Minks said...

Waff- I do hope you're no longer upchucking x
Vic- thanks, I was very lucky

Tooting bird said...

I feel it, sister. Glorymouse has *another* cold. At least the Kleenex shareholders are doing well.