Monday, August 07, 2006

misery me

It could be post-hectic weekend blues. Its definitely envy. I am miserable today because I do not have the willpower to avoid litres of vodka, then the inevitable lack of sleep/hangover induced takeaways, fried breakfasts and chocolate.
I am miserable because we do not own a house with a garden. I am uncharacteristically (acting out of character is happening a lot of late) tinged with regret that we didn't save more when we were young. Today I regret that we didn't buy a modest property rather than go on holidays, buy nice clothes and eat nice food in grand restaurants.
I am even questioning whether it really is the right thing to stay at home with the lads when I could be out earning a crust and they could be eating healthily and playing educationally motivated games in nursery, instyead of watching HI-5 while I blog about how miserable I am feeling.
Watch this space (it might remain inactive but I can feel the vibration of change in the air- or maybe that just post takeaway wind)


Anonymous said...

hello gorgeous. it's the blogger (well, at times) formerly known as Miss Morgan.
Don't feel blue honey. My garden is DEAD. And we spent £3000 getting it done. Woe is me. And you have two babies and I don't even have one. Woe indeed.
be happy x

Anonymous said...

Oh Minks, sometimes it seems like no choice is the right choice. I think you're fab to stay home with them. I have felt so guilty abandoning my 3 sick children recently while I skipped off into work but I know that I would go insane, if I stayed at home - I never thought that I would be like this. I have given this a lot of thought (as have you, I'm sure) and I suspect that the best balance for parents and kids is part time. I think that GP mama has it just right - she and her husband work 3 days a week each. But unfortunately, it's a bit hard to track down a perfect part-time job. Much sympathy. Also on the garden front - we haven't one either and I think it would be a life saver, you could just point them towards the herbaceous border and sit back...

Minks said...

thanks waffly- I know that this is the right thing for now. Lack of sleep (as you know) and cheeky children emptying drawers and throwing things over there heads with gleeful abandon as I try and puree some chicken and broccoli and wash bottles means I am sometimes a bit tired and emotional.
If they were in the garden I could happily watch them eat poisonous herbs and chase rats (this is London after all) xx