Thursday, September 07, 2006

a little bit scared

*whispers* I think I know what I'd like to be when I grow up. I've thought about it often and even pursued it for a time- then work and money and babies became more important and I pushed it away for a while.
I am very happy to be able to live exactly the way I want to. I look after my children full-time. A luxury (and to me it is a luxury) that others cannot afford. I am lucky to be doing what I always dreamed of and I am beginning to realise that when the go off to carve their own path in the world (pre-school and school is only round the corner for Ezra) I will have to return to work. I'm having such a ball now- I can't go back to the way things were. The contrast between doing a job you love, to doing a job that confines, bores and angers you is even more stark. Especially now I know I couldn't really give a monkeys about money.
So a plan has been formulating for a while now. I can see a route to a different future, but it is a complicated path that would require focus, time and bags of confidence- the three things I struggle with.
It could end up being another dream scheme that I wax lyrical about for a few months before scrapping the idea as "too hard", but I feel differently this time.
I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

do it minks! do it, do it.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, sounds intriguing. I've never been able to find a job that really interests me. Will be interesting to see what you have cup up with.

Anonymous said...

No no argh! Tell us. I can't bear it.