Tuesday, March 07, 2006

New addition in shock sleep-through pattern

Seth is eight weeks old and has done it twice.
Ezra did it for the first time when he was well over one.
Last night Seth slept from 7.30pm till 5.50am. Not quite 12 hours but hells bells, its better than we ever expected. The additional hours of sleep I'm getting are having a strange effect. I can shower in the morning, remember where I left my keys (some of the time) and even managed to tackle Ezra's bomb-site.
A whole new world of drinking heavily and socialising is presenting itself far sooner than anticipated.
I don't even mind that Ez has taken to waking at 6am and demanding to start the day with his friendly morning routine.
It goes something like this;
"Hello Mummy, Hello Dess (Seth). Light light. Telly, telly, telly, bickets, bickets (weetabix), Mummy, kiss, hello Dess, hello Dess, telly, light, telly, come on come on up up come on UP COME ON UP UP UUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!"
and all this shouted in my ear at sonic boom volume.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh what a clever little man... I shall kiss him when I next see him.