Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Crusty is the theme for this week. Crusty noses, as all four of us have sticky crusty colds. Seth is snuffling his way through most days with a grimace. He has crying stamina, which almost outdoes his most famous older 'cousin'* at his ninging best. We are grateful that the crying seems limited to being in his pram or car seat, although my husband feels his head might explode after three minutes of warbling at traffic lights.
Ezra has- in true toddler fashion- gone off crusts. Yet he'll still devour an entire crusty baguette. Its the randomness of it all that gets me.
We are in full-fledged terrible twos' territory. Despair, contradiction and confusion fills our eldest boys days. This weekend he noticed his shadow and all hell broke loose. He was terrified of his dark and ominous follower until yesterday, when he made friends with 'dadow' and now chats with his other self frequently.
Speaking of Ezra, its his birthday on friday, and to celebrate we are off to a theme park with his friends and their parents. Lets hope the weather turns from freezing rain to sunshine.

*In the old-school tradition, his mother is my best friend and Ezra's 'auntie' making her son his fake, but very real 'cousin'


Anonymous said...

I used to be firmly informed that eating my crusts would make my hair curly. But I didn't want curly hair.

Anonymous said...

I heard something about it putting hair on your chest...
"But Mummy, I'm a girl!"