Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Mothers little helper

Then there are times when I am in peices. Like when Seth has had a growth spurt and feeds ever hour on the hour for 48 hours, give or take the odd two hour respite when he screams in his pram whilst I trudge round Sainsbury's buying random shopping items because I-just-can't-focus-on-anything-other-than-the-screaming.
Or when Ezra refuses a nap and instead slaps me around the face harder and harder as I try repeatedly to lay him down because I've got to get the washing done so I can avoid another arguement with my him indoors about our washing basket overflowing, and I think 'if I slap his leg will it shock him into realising that when he hits me it hurts?'
Or when He comes home from work and complains about a petty arguement He's had with his boss and explains how He spent three hours finding evidence to prove to his boss He was right, when He could've been using that time to look for another job.
Then there are the hundreds of meals I have lovingly engineered for my son and his ever decreasing range of edible foods that are thrown away untouched (although we are on a roll- last night- fish fingers and new potatoes, tonight- sausages and peas).
The grey hairs and wrinkles appearing everywhere. The stretch marks, scars and pouches of skin. The lack of money. Inability to communicate effectively or remember anything.


Anonymous said...

The only remotely useful thing I can think to say here is 'hello'. And even that may be useless. But, hello.

Anonymous said...

I do wonder sometimes how people ever convince themselves to have a second child. But reading most of your other posts, it doesn't sound so bad. You poor thing - what an awful day you've had.

Minks said...

Hello H!
ke- I'm starting to realise that some people are ruled by their hormones instead of their heads. Still, today is a new day and I did manage to make a chocolate fridge cake yesterday.

Kerry said...

Sounds like you've just had one of those days. I suggest chocolate, its the best pick me up i know.....

Anonymous said...

Ouch. What a horrible day. Poor Minks.