Friday, December 08, 2006

being lefthanded

Aahhh, I feel much better now my blog is the right way around. All that right hand clicking business was driving me bonkers.
So, I tried on my wedding dress today. Don't ask me why- I haven't so much as looked at it since 07 April 2001 when I slapped it on a hanger and flung it in the wardrobe.
Its a two piece- a bodice and a big skirt, which is- incidentally- filthy. Anyhoo, something unusual occurred. Firstly, the skirt fitted perfectly. Queue smug dancing around the room before tripping over the train. The bodice- however. I couldn't fasten up the bodice. As a young bride, it was the the bodice that was a tad roomy. I also remember my boobs looking saggy and the whole thing turning itself around more than once (it was strapless, for anyone who now thinks I'm some sort of fabulous contortionist.)
My backside has always been my biggest bit, but since having children there's been a balancing of the elements.
My boobs and bum now match. Fancy that? I've still got a sack of leftover skin around my abdomen, but hey- we can't all be Geri "How I lost my pregnany pounds" Halliwell (and bloody hell, who'd want to?) And with my appetite for beers wines and spirits, rich food and chocolate, its pantygirdles all the way for me.
I remember feeling fat on my wedding day. I looked in the mirror and thought "I wish I'd gone on a diet like other brides."
When I look back at the photos of our wedding day, I just see two very young, happy people. I no longer look fat on that day and I've been much fatter since (one can never be fatter that almost 10 months pregnant.)
It reminds me of that wierd track, or advert, or poem by someone at some point in the last century, that says "you will never look this young and this slim ever again."
When I saw myself in my wedding dress today (I eventually fastened the bodice by holding my breath and standing very still)I saw an older, slimmer woman than the one I was before. The same outfit, an entirely different perception of my body.
Only two weeks to my 32nd birthday.


Anonymous said...

This post made me think of a lot of things, but the only one I'm going to share with you is this: since we moved to Canada, I haven't heard the name "Geri Halliwell" once. NOT ONCE. Until now. I am not blaming you, just marvelling that the media here isn't as bad as I sometimes think it is.

Tooting bird said...

Love the new look blog! Any chance of a post of you in said two-piece? I love a wedding photo.
PS The longest time I haven't been to the dentist is 4 years.

sarah said...

There's no way i could get into my wedding dress! i tried on a dress that i had for a charity ball a couple of years ago and there was no way that was doing up!!

I'm also the same about the denitsit...crying...the works!!! I had loads of work done when my daughter was born....but haven;t been back since....can't bring myself too!!!

Minks said...

Kate, I'm really sorry I inflicted Geri upon you.

Anonymous said...

I remember feeling the exact same way you did on my wedding day. I thought I was fat and wished I had lost more weight befor the big day.
Now I'd love to be that slim and yet I am so much more comfortable with who I am.
Weird how time changes things hu?
Oh and I love the new look on your blog...