Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Outstanding achievements

Seth has been unsettled at night due to colds, fevers, coughing and spluttering and so to avoid waking Ez he has been back in our bed.
The result is we have discovered Ez can sleep until 7.30am. I am so excited about this development I can almost forget his tantrums, nagging and stubbornness. And he is now dry through the night. Everynight. No More Nappies! Hurrah!!
His speech is developing fast and conversations take on a whole new dimension. As he expresses his understanding of the world around I am by admiration, wonder and respect.
Meanwhile Pointy Seth has moved onto to pointing at things he wants, pointing to things he wants us to name, pointing to himself when he wants something. Occasionally I think I can hear words emerging, mostly he uses a complex system of screams, claps and pointing to make himself understood.
They remind me everyday how truly spectacular being a parent is. I must remember not to moan about being unable to afford those trousers, and that posh telly, and that mansion down the road, because I am so lucky to be around to experience these developments.


Anonymous said...

You said it, minks.

Anonymous said...
