Tuesday, November 28, 2006

mother knows best, so stop thinking otherwise

norah's blog won't let me leave comments anymore. I'm feeling slightly paranoid about this, but I'm going to keep it to myself.
Seth, John and I had a three way standoff last night. Seth informed us he would prefer to sleep in our bed than his own, John agreed that letting him share out bed would be preferential to listening to his ear splitting three octave vibrato cry. Being the Evil Dictator of The Minkleberry State I decreed that everyone would sleep in their own bed until I decided otherwise.
At first John ignored me and kept popping in to comfort Seth and hopefully lull him to sleep. He loved being rocked and purred contentedly in his Daddy's arms, the minute his bum touched mattress he screeched once more- filled with rage. Silly mistake- never confuse a 10 months old rage cry with a sad, ill, terrified or lonely cry. Two hours later they were repeating the same pattern. Fools.
Eventually, after many insults, swearing and evil eyes, everyone to their separate quarters (well, actually, John sat in the bathroom with his fingers in his ears.) Five minutes later the wailing stopped.
Because it always does.
Mother knows best (hi five to myself and every other mother out there)


Anonymous said...

Go Minks! We've had a similar situation recently with our little darling refusing to be put down. My other half was out last night and voila! Bath, bedtime story, and she was out like a light! I think she just expects Mummy to be less accomadating than Daddy - well, there are some benefits to being the bad cop all the time!

Unknown said...

I've just been catching up...
I hope after everything you can have a sparkly chrstmas after all.

Anonymous said...

You go, girl! (you'll just have to imagine me making the appropriate accompanying "street" hand gestures, whatever those may be)

Anonymous said...

Minks we're not having much luck. You can't comment on my blog and I can't add you to bloglines. I have no idea why you can't comment on my blog. I have no idea why you won't show up in my bloglines. Doomed. Doomed!

Anonymous said...

That was me.