Thursday, November 30, 2006

the rollercoaster that is our health

Today I decided that Seth's hacking cough had gone on for long enough, and booked him in to see our GP. GP listened to his chest and decided his tubes were inflamed and crackly, and prescribed an atrovent inhaler. We're experts in the use of spacers and puffers, and Ez was eager to share the joy with his little brother. "Now you're a big boy, you can have a puffer too." I rang my Mum to update her and she suggested that taking them out near-naked in the cold might be the cause of my children's inadequate tubes. Only my Mum would get away with a quip like that- anyone else would be extracting a spacer from a very tight space!
We popped to see the Health Visitor whilst we were there, and Seth is growing steadily. Ezra has not grown since september. Alert! Alert! (again). She suggested we refer him privately once and push for a definitive answer on his slow and sporadic growth. Once John's health cover kicks in, we might be able to stretch to that.
On the way back I vowed to feed them both organic veg and pure protein until obesity is the new diagnosis- however, I know that blaming my poor parenting and vowing to change isn't going to solve this one.
I've been worried about Ezra's growth since he was six months old. As my Mum said "we've got small genes" and its very true- my cousins on my dad's side are positively miniature, but still -I'd like to know that it is just small genes and not something darker and more insidious.

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