Thursday, June 29, 2006

the future

I worry a lot (standard worry- not excessive paranoid worry) about my children. Mostly I worry about things that have not yet happened, but that could- but probably will not. But might.
I worry about them running into the road, hitting each other with heavy objects, illness, bullying (both being and doing)- you know the kind of stuff.
My constant preoccupation is what my parenting is doing to them. Ezra watches telly first thing in the morning, for 15 minutes at lunch when I feed Seth, and for at least half an hour whilst I cook dinner. Does this render his brain mush?
Seth plays alone for ages, happily crawling and rolling around the room eating paper and crayons. He doesn't get anywhere near the attention his brother got, or gets. Ezra is definitely the centre of attention most of the time.
I rarely play with them and their toys- preferring to add a running commentary to whatever bizzarro world Ezra has conjured for them both. (Current favourite is Ezra the fireman driving a fire engine, whilst Seth is usually a cat, duck or dog.
We do play with bricks, and paint beautiful pictures (of fire engines, police cars and dogs, ducks and cats.)
Seth adores his brother and doesn't mind at all if Ezra rolls on top of him. Ezra loves is baby brodder and tells him hourly.
Ezra eats junk food sometimes. Seth eats from jars mostly. I havent sterilized a single spoon or bowl (he frequently licks the floor so it seems futile). I havent ever ironed any of their clothes.
Still, the worry keeps me on my toes and when they grow into ASBO hooligans, I'll know its the creased clothes, junk and telly. Its obvious who the arsonist will be.


Glowstars said...

It's good to admit you're only human. I didn't (and still probably don't) play with Tommy enough and certainly never sterilised anything other than bottles (and even that went out the window ages ago). But he, just like Ez & Seth, will grow up just fine - they're all loved and that's what matters in the end.

Anonymous said...

I know. I've discovered that we're all the same - all worrying about doing (or not doing) the right thing. Except for the fact that I'm an obsessive ironer (I love ironing!) I could have written your post pretty much. I'm starting to discover though that there are whole swathes of parents out there that not only never think about their parenting but actually couldn't care less about it either. I have started to notice it as I'm more aware that maybe I worry too much. I promise you - if anyone's getting an ASBO it's the kids of the parents that don't care....

Vanda said...

Your ASBO comment gave me a clue you might be from England.

Greetings from Suffolk, I've been lurking here for ages;-). I think all parents worry about the same thing. I bet your kidlets are pretty much great well grounded. As my mum told me when I got to fussy about my first, you have to eat a ton of dirt before you die.
So I stopped worrying.

As long as your kidlets get lots of other thinks to do a bit of tv won't hurt them.

Anonymous said...

You grew up with Jamie and his magic torch and Fingermouse. You were abandoned by your mum every weekend and left to the perils of your dad (and any other available relative) He fed you a diet of pie and peas and soup. You had whooping cough, chicken pox and all other childhood illnesses. You left home carrying your roller boots because we were all cruel and you got bit by a horse when we werern't watching. You have no ASBO or criminal record (that I know of)....... I have however been waiting for this moment all your life. Anonymous of Eccleshill

Minks said...

thanks Mum, erm, I mean anonymous- and no- theres is no criminal record (as yet)

Anonymous said...

Hey - at least if they're getting a dose of household and other bacteria they'll have really good immune systems ...
Chewing unwashed scrumped fruit never did me any harm - well, no permanent harm, anyway.