Friday, July 28, 2006

breast get it over with

My baby no longer wants to breastfeed during the day. There's just too much to do and see and staring at a rumpled garment and a bit of flesh is no competition for the rest of the world. Instead Seth would prefer to drink all his milk between the hours of 6pm and 6am when its pretty dark and there's not much action in the house.
So, we're on the cusp stopping the breastfeeding completely. He will happily guzzle from a bottle during the day, and can get his comfort fix in other ways and from many other people as well as Mum.
Seth's world is expanding, and mine is inevitably shrinking.
I am sad that this part of our relationship is coming to an end. It signifies that my baby is growing up very fast. I associate breastfeeding with pregnancy and birth- the primal physicality of growing a life and nurturing. It is such a privilege, for which I will always be grateful. If I have no more children, I will cherish this unique time with them long after they run multinational companies and stop calling.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

up up up

Seth can now get into a sitting position unaided. The rate at which he masters new tricks is astonishing- especially when he combines them to commit heinous crimes- like TRYING TO CLIMB.
His mission to chew through the computer wires resulted in him pulling himself up to stand and lean over the printer. Seems this isn't enough and having failed to slide underneath the workstation he is attempting to climb up and over the printer and to certain death by electrocution.
He has clearly been watching his brother in his mission to climb up onto his windowsill and throw himself through the window and onto the spikey railings and certain death by Omen style impaling.
I spend most of the afternoons searching our (thankfully small) flat looking for them both. Yesterday I heard lots of giggling coming from the bathroom while I tried to wash up. I walked in to find Ezra had wrapped Seth in toilet paper-when he tired of that he then proceeded to flush the rest of the roll down the toilet- blocking it and causing it to overflow.
Seth follows Ez wherever he goes and they play peekaboo happily together until Ez decides to climb on Seths back and exclaim "I'm a horty" (note- we have explained that infact Seth is the horsey and Ez is the rider whilst dragging him off Seths broken spine.) Seth thinks all of this is hilarious and even when he does get hurt- (Climbing six month olds fall quite a lot.) he only cries momentarily.
Ezra is brilliant when Seth is upset. He'll run over and cock his head "What happened there? Never mind Sethy, its ok. Kiss it better." Ez also likes to inform me when Seth has "done a really stinky poo poo mummy. I'll get nappy- you clean bum?"
My favourite is when Ez mutters "where Seth gone? He's nothing but trouble."

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Remarkably I have managed to get to the gym three times this week and I'm in serious danger of becoming a gym bore. (as in I can only think about going to the gym/not going to the gym) I have thankfully lost the clotted cream-and-jam-and-scones weight gained on holiday but its going to take a while to shed the whole fat suit as I just can't stop drinking booze and eating lard.
Today we relived the holiday in miniature and drove to Whitstable- which is a delightfully dinky village by the sea. I persuaded him indoors to try an oyster (40p and oyster- I'll wince everytime I indulge in a restaurant) and he loved them. So we've finally got something in common- molluscs.
Its such a gorgeous place and we peered invasively into the kitchens of the beach houses- imagining ourselves feeding each other oysters whilst Ez and Seth windsurfed infront of us "Don't surf too far- tea'll be ready in a minute. Its oysters and chips again!"
We decided to move there forthwith until we realised that all the people we know who have grown up in small coastal towns have either killed themselves or become drug addicts. I'm sure that is not true of everyone who grows up on the English coast- but probability indicates that our lads might be nudged in that direction. Less windsurfing and more screaming "I haaaate you you horrible f***ers!!! Why do we have to live in the middle of nowhere! I want Macdonalds- not f**king oysters!!All this sea air is making me sick" Or else they'd make a good living selling and importing class A drugs via Dover.
Back to reality and Ez got to paddle- Seth got to eat lasagne on the beach and husband and I enjoyed a grand day out.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


This is really beginning to freak me out. Both photos were taken at six months old. One of Ez and one of Seth. A prize if you can tell which is which (and yes- one of them is sat in a sink)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

hang on a minute...

He's in such a rush. This afternoon he pulled himself up to standing. He can sit unsupported, crawl really fast and now pull himself up. I expect he'll be running by the end of this week.
He's six months old.

Monday, July 17, 2006

post holibobs blues

We are all quite devastated to be back to the pollution cauldron.
The boys have been sleeping beautifully (Seth even slept through on the last night of the holiday)- last night they were both up every other hour and fully awake by 6am.
They were going to bed to the cacophony of seagulls settling- now its back to car alarms, sirens and techno.
The holiday was too short, too fraught, and too much fun.
I hate London.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

six months

I couldn't remember my age a few minutes ago. That's a sign of growing old isn't it? Anyway- I've had my age counted and verified and I am pleased to say I'm actually a year younger than my body looks and feels.
I mention my age because I sometimes find it hard to believe I am married with two children when I am still just a fifteen year old girl with bushy hair and recently removed braces.
My beautiful man Seth has hit the six month mark and is cracking on. He is crawling and almost sitting up. He is gnawing on rice cakes and sucking frantically on Ezra's leftover fruit. He likes formula but loves breastmilk.
He loves making us laugh and performs for giggles. He is friendly and confident- even his separation anxiety seems mild. He can play on his own or with the bigger boys and rarely whimpers- except when he goes to sleep, which he hates, and when he's in his pram (I expect he'd rather walk everywhere.)
My Nan says he's "been here before" and there's certainly a look of wisdom and serenity in those baby blues.
He's amazing- I love that he is so different from his brother. I adore Ezra's zippy energy as much as I'm enamoured with the stillness in Seth. He watches everything and smiles endlessly.
I could watch him play for hours (and often do). Ezra teaches him to sing songs and play with toys, Seth copies Ezra's mannerisms.
They both laugh maniacally at naptime.
My favourite part of the day is lying between them both during their afternoon sleep. Sometimes when I leave them in bed together, Seth snuggles up to Ezra- Ezra doesn't mind one bit.

edit: especially for the viewers of CBBC. I fancy Sportacus.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Hot babies, small toddlers

The big one hasn't grown since his last asthma attack meaning his height is again cause for some concern. Right from my first visit to the health visitor, I've received worried side glances and words of cautious concern from health professionals about Ezra's weight, and later height.
We even visited the pediatrician to be told that he was 'short, but ok' and left with a request to monitor his height.
Its true that the steroids he received in hospital could've recently halted his growth, and the constant colds may've inhibited his growth over his short life, but I am a bit tired of feeling worried about it.
He is developing normally in all other respects, his diet is much improved and he now sleeps for at least 11 hours at night (I say this because lack of sleep can inhibit growth.)
He is much smaller than his peers, and I am fed up of having to explain to strangers the lads aren't 'Irish twins' and Ezra is infact two and a bit. ( that people comment on how close they are in age is so rude- they look at you as if to say "Harlot! You couldn't keep your knickers on for five minutes")
Only time will tell whether there is an underlying issue, or whether he'll suddenly shoot up and be fine (if a little shorter than the average man), but its the waiting that's so hard to do.
In other news, its baking hot isn't it? Who's betting it won't pour with rain during our entire holiday next week?
Not to be completely miserable, I have attended the gym 4 times, conquered the cross trainer and have lost 4 pounds. Thats a pound a visit.